Do you know that because the disciples shared the good news with people near and far like Jesus commanded, you and I have the chance to know the good news as well? The disciples told people, and those people told people, and those people told people, and finally the good news of Jesus came to us here today.

  1. Gather around the computer, phone or iPad and open the Adventure #6 Reading.

  2. There’s a verse in the Bible that says, “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news.” (Isaiah 52:7a). The good news has been shared with us, and now we can go out to places near and far and take the good news to others. Would you like to be a sharer of the good news?

  3. For the final challenge you get to make footprints! Have everyone remove their shoes and socks, and set them to the side. Take turns tracing each other’s feet on a piece of paper or cardboard. After tracing, take time to draw or write what it looks like for your family to share the Good News of Jesus. 

  4. Email a photo holding your beautiful feet artwork to

  5. Woohoo!! When we see you next, bring in a picture of your completed Adventure Egg Basket and we’ll celebrate together!

  6. Bonus activity. Enjoy watching The Messiah Has Come from “What’s in the Bible?” on RightNow Media.