  1. Build a Family Prayer Fort! Collect blankets, chairs and pillows and build a space for everyone to gather for Adventure #3.

  2. Gather around the computer, phone or iPad in the fort and open the Adventure #3 Reading

  3. Select from one of the prayer activities (below) to do as a family: Praying in Color, Build a Prayer, The 5-Finger Prayer or a prayer activity of your choice

  4. Take a family selfie in your prayer fort. Email your photo to and collect your third Adventure Egg (via email).



Praying in Color

Handout out paper and coloring supplies. Encourage everyone to write a name for God on a piece of paper. Draw a shape around it or just start to doodle. Draw out your prayers or add names of people you’re praying for as you create. Learn more about praying in color.


Build a Prayer

Gather building supplies (legos, blocks, art supplies) and construct your prayer. A few prayer prompts to consider: build something you’re thankful for, someone you’re praying for, something you’re asking God for. Share creations and pray as a family.

The 5-Finger Prayer

Have everyone hold one hand. Take turns going through the 5-finger prayer. For each finger, invite everyone to share a short prayer. Thumb (praise to God), Pointer (God, I’m sorry for…), Middle (thank you God for…), Ring (prayer for others), Pinky (prayer for yourself).