Letter to our True Hope Family

2020 was a wild ride! It felt like we were rafting on the Salmon River, and out of nowhere, we were surprised by a rapid that capsized our boat.  Everyone was thrown off the raft and found ourselves out of control and swept up in the current.  Eventually, we swam back to the raft and hung on.  Now, one year later, the waters appear to be calming, and God has brought us through.

In a year that started with us cutting $500,000 from our 1.6 million dollar budget because it seemed that unemployment and isolation would surely lead to reduced giving, God led us to continue to dream with Him.  In a year where it was more tempting to hunker down, God called us to step out in faith and multiply.  This past year was a year of planning and building towards a church rebirth in Nampa that we will celebrate together on March 21st.

This is nothing other than miraculous.  We started the year cutting the budget and ended it with a surplus and a third church in the True Hope Family of Churches.  We are reminded of and so blessed by the Lord's provision and your faithful generosity to put on display the true hope of Jesus Christ.  Thank you for doing life and ministry with us.

Pastor Bruce and Pastor Matt

Next Steps:

Please take a moment to review our 2020 Annual Report and Proposed budgets for our 2021-2022 Budget Year. If you are a member of True Hope Church you can find link to the digital ballot or you can vote in person at one of our locations. If you are not a member and want to learn more about what it means to join True Hope Church check out the article below.

Proposed Budgets

Voting In-person:

  • True Hope Downtown on March 14th 9am & 10:30am

  • True Hope Collister on March 21st at 9am & 10:30am

Voting Online / Absentee:

  • Use our digital ballot to vote.

  • If you would like one mailed to you please reach out to office@jesusistruehope.com.

Becoming a Member: